We do not require a retainer. Fortunately, when the Pandemic hit us in March 2020, we had already been a paperless office for many years with two cloud based case management systems. However, the Pandemic propelled us to make many improvements to our client service protocols, retainer requirements, direct calendaring, electronic exchanges and remote systems being some examples. This has allowed our firm to concentrate more on client service and less on wasteful antiquated management systems. If you entrust us with your family law matter, you'll be in excellent hands.

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Do I Still Pay Alimony If My Ex Gets Remarried?

alimony lawyer

In divorce cases, for decades, they often award alimony to a financially dependent spouse, particularly when the couple has been married for many years. A spouse who is receiving alimony remarried and may start living with someone else or experience and improve financial situation, oftentimes alimony is going to be reduced or eliminated. But you may be wondering how this happens and how the decision to eliminate or by how much to reduce is made.

During a divorce proceeding, the court can grant alimony to either spouse. There are going to be several types of alimony awards which can serve a variety of purposes. Sometimes the court can grant spousal support to bridge the gap until the spouse’s self-support. Oftentimes, the purpose of alimony is to provide a spouse with financial support they need for a limited or permanent amount of time. How much may also serve to reimburse one spouse’s contributions during marriage.

The most common type of alimony is periodic on woody, which consists of payments made according to the schedule, which is usually monthly Inc. spouses supported spouse. Courts are going just consider several factors when deciding whether to grant alimony such as the couple standard of living during the marriage, along the marriage lasted, the age and health of each spouse, each spouse’s financial resources, each spouse is earning potential and other sources of income, he spouses childcare responsibility and much more.

Reaching out to an alimony lawyer, can help you understand the factors that may go into alimony if you are married or your ex remarries. And Florida periodic Elma spells may stop making payments immediately upon the date of the marriage, without having to return to court for an additional order allowing them to whipping alimony.

However this does not change the paying spouse’s obligation to make a lump sum alimony payment or property transfer as these obligations are going to survivor remarriage. Only legal marriages in Florida will automatically terminate alimony obligations. One such instance was a case in Florida where a former wife receiving alimony moved in with another man, held a public ceremony with the exchange files and presented themselves as partners in life; however, they did not marry legally. Therefore, this did not terminate alimony. In cases like this the paying spouse will need to file a motion with the court and request that the judge terminate or reduces alimony.

If you’re paying alimony or your ex has a change in financial circumstances, you want to terminate or modify the alimony and you will need to see if your ex-spouse will agree to change the alimony amount. Reach out to an alimony lawyer if you have questions about reducing or terminating your alimony and whether you can. Of course if your ex-spouse does not agree to terminate alimony, you will need to ask the court to terminate or modify alimony.

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